Plastic Plants Expanding.

Many of you are probably carrying it in the form of plastic in your pocket right now. There has been an unparalleled growth of plastic objects on the market since World War II. 

Every year, about half a billion tonnes of plastic garbage are created, which is subsequently recycled into a range of products. Recycled materials are used in everything from food packaging to automotive components, toothbrushes to fake Christmas trees. 

Plastic may be found in almost every environment. It has become such an integral part of our material existence that it is impossible to imagine life without it. 

Is it, on the other hand, really so difficult? I’m attempting to imagine a world without plastics. Considering that the majority of the plastic items we are acquainted with and enjoy now didn’t exist until the 1940s. 

What’s more startling is that life before then didn’t seem to be all that different from life now. Milk was offered in glass jars before the development of plastic. They were returned every week after he refilled them at the food store. 

They were cleaned and returned the next week after they were empty. People used to buy with whatever bags they brought with them from home, and there was no need for product packaging since fruits and vegetables were sold in their natural condition and in season rather than being transported in.

The environment gets increasingly polluted when civilisation transforms to resemble our contemporary way of life, which is centered on a continuous working, powered by fast food and single-use items meant to be thrown away after just a few minutes. 

With the passage of time, plastics started to appeal to me more and more. Because it was a cheap, safe, and sanitary substance that could be sculpted by humans to meet their requirements, plastics gave some people an almost utopian idea of a future in which they would have an abundance of material affluence. 

plastics will be depicted as the story’s villain. 

Only 25 percent of the 300 million tons of plastic we produce each year is effectively recycled, which is a very low amount. Plastic in the amount of 8,000,000 tons hits our seas. 50 percent of it is single-use plastic, which is only used for a few minutes before being discarded carelessly by consumers. 

Plastic shopping bags that we get from the supermarket They are responsible for the deaths of millions of sea turtles throughout the globe, and their usual working life is less than twenty  minutes, making them very hazardous with very short one time uses. 

Plastic has been ingested almost every seabird in the world at some point in their life. 

Straws are so undervalued however it is not as harmless as it seems.  

Despite the fact that trees are very sensitive to changes in the ocean’s environment, the notion that they are living organisms is sometimes neglected. 

Plastic has contributed significantly to the death of many well-known reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef. 

Whales, sharks, and dolphins are among the larger animals that are endangered as a consequence of plastic pollution. 

The toxins generated by the plastic continue to pile up in the bodies of these larger critters when they swallow smaller fish species that have previously digested plastic. 

As a consequence of this exposure, animals at the top of the food chain may develop liver failure and other toxicology-related illnesses. 

Due to the fact that once plastic enters our oceans, it never really dissolves or vanishes. Instead, it is broken down into smaller and smaller bits, referred to as microplastics collectively. 

This means that these minute particles of plastic are readily mistook for food by small fish species, before making their way back up the food chain and into our mouths, where we could eat the exact plastic we threw out in the first place. 

Plastic is thought to be present in almost 70 percent of seafood consumed today according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

We’ve taken what we want from the water and returned what we do not want to it. 

The shocking realization that every beach was littered with plastic bottles hit me like a ton of bricks. 

None of us are immune to the consequences of plastic pollution. 

This is an issue that impacts everyone on the planet. And the hasty decision to throw away plastic goods in an irresponsible manner is made in a fraction of a second.  However, the consequences of this choice could linger a thousand years and impact the ecology of the planet for longer than that.

Almost every plastic product ever made is still in the world today. 

Plastic is an issue, whether it was recycled into a new plastic product or ended up at the bottom of the ocean’s ocean floor. It hasn’t gone away yet, and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.  Humans have left their mark on the fossil record in this way. 

It shows the lingering effects of plastic waste that has been strewn throughout the globe. 

Plastic contamination in the oceans has been deemed a worldwide concern of historic proportions by the United Nations. Our waters are much too valuable to be thrown away.

Many of you were probably taught as youngsters that trees give us with the oxygen we need to survive and thrive. 

It is predicted that the seas will contain more plastic than fish by the year 2050, according to current estimations. Obviously, the world as we know it would be radically transformed if this occurs. 

When seafood becomes a rare and costly luxury, only a tiny percentage of the population will be able to buy it. 

People living along the coast who rely on fishing for a source of income will be uprooted and pushed to seek new jobs elsewhere, resulting in a vast environmental refugee catastrophe that will affect countries all over the globe. 

You will notice a significant shift in your life when you return from your journey. Over time, it is unavoidable that memories will alter and change. Instead of snapping photos of your family smiling in front of a breathtaking blue ocean, when you arrive, you could be greeted with an unimaginable plastic garbage disposal waste dump that is unmanageable for governmental cleanup or processing.

In addition, if at all feasible, you’ll want to keep your children away from the toxic substances. Due to the fact that you don’t want them tied up in the water by plastic bags, they may never be able to enjoy the pleasures of swimming in ocean waters.  

Let alone see the bright coral and other marine life that can be found just below the surface of the sea. This is not the way things should be done.

Right now, we have the potential to make a substantial contribution. We will never be able to return to a period when there were no plastics; this is a fundamental fact. But technologically plastic as it is known today could be transitioned into biodegradable sources that do not have half lifes of 500 years.

While history and science have shown that plastics are not the faultless product that we previously believed them to be, they have also demonstrated that they are necessary in the production methods of today. 

Our long-term prosperity is dependent on our ability to innovate. So, if we can’t live without them, we’ll have to figure out how to live with them properly and sustainably, with a particular emphasis on recycling and waste minimization. 

Plastic has already reached an unsustainable level of consumption on our planet. All we have to do now is repurpose what we already have in an innovative manner. 

The only way forward is to put an end to the single-use cycle. 

In order to have a sustainable future, single-use plastics must be phased out and a circular economy, in which outdated goods are recycled and reused, this must be established. With the use of recycling of plastics along with the limits in other ways the need of fossil fuel extraction and refinement would drastically reduce.

Before the modern plastic and mass production era we had a great deal of imagination, we reused and recycled anything we could. Because humans valued everything they had in their disposal.

But for decades now we’re stuck with the same old products from plastic production because their availability is so extreme and the costs are so low we’ve run out of new and inventive ways to develop new products. 

Plastic enters the globe via little changes in our everyday routines, and those same changes may also assist to mitigate the material’s detrimental impacts on the environment. Because the choices you make today will have a big impact on the ones you make tomorrow, it is important to plan ahead. 

Decide on a refillable water bottle instead of single-use plastic bottle to reduce your carbon footprint.  When you go grocery shopping to buy any produce, don’t forget to bring your reusable bags.  

The majority of individuals feel that large international agreements, ground-breaking technological breakthroughs, or substantial legislative changes are the only ways to address environmental concerns.  

As long as politicians continue to see poles where the public is more concerned about jobs than planetary destruction they will act accordingly. We think that our actions as people living on this planet are useless and pointless. 

If everyone demanded that our drinks be served without plastic straws, that is what would likely transpire. This would mark the beginning of a new era in human history. 

When it comes to surviving in the ocean’s core, a vast variety of life is completely reliant to the surface tension of the water. 

We can see the blue button jellies in their natural habitat.

From the coast the majority of the plastic garbage in the water does not seem to be in our way. 

You’ll need to be there in person to get a sense of size, but I’ll try my best to present you with as accurate an image as possible right now. 

Polyethylene (Plastic) is a petroleum-based substance. Because of some ingenious engineering, it has been constructed to be very durable. Because it is immune to the weather, it is ideal for usage in the outdoors. 

Every item of plastic that has ever been created may be found in the environment of today. This phenomenon has a profound impact on animals, ecosystems, and the ocean bottom. 

Small pieces retain certain dangerous chemical properties and are capable of absorbing other persistent organic pollutants such as PCBs, dioxins, and other carcinogens and transmitting them into the oceanic food chain when digested by marine life are known as microplastics. 

Toxins build in our seafood, and we consume them as a result of this accumulation. 

Until recently, we were under the notion that all plastic floated, but it has now been demonstrated that this is not the case. Plastic was found not only on the surface of the water, but also in the center of the water.

Plastic waste has been found even in the deepest areas of the oceans. Deep water diving allows people to go as far away from civilization as possible without leaving the ocean. And there it is, our plastic rubbish, waiting for us to dispose of it properly. 

Over 8 million tons of plastic waste is poured into the ocean each year, according to the most recent figures. 

When we talk about ocean plastic pollution, we typically use huge numbers like 8 million metric tons, but the majority of people have no clue what that really translates to in practice. 

So, let’s talk about the relative sizes of various objects. The Pacific Ocean spans more than half of the earth’s land surface area. Approximately one-third of the remaining land area is taken up by the Atlantic Ocean. A massive amount of plastic garbage, equivalent to the size of the ocean, covers an area the size of the globe and resembles the little plastic confetti.

The garbage-encrusted surfaces and depths of earth are quite a sight to see. 

There are corporate lobbying group that includes firms like Exxon Mobil, Dow Chemical, DuPont 3M, and even a publicly traded waste management companies, to mention a few. 

As a consequence, I must state that any new EPA legislation will be scrutinized thoroughly. 

Because most of the plastics now available on the market are not recyclable, it will be essential to exclude them completely. All of these items should be disallowed for continued production as hazardous non-recyclable waste. 

Businesses should be expected to establish a closed loop system to achieve this. 

Because we can reuse the same material several times, this is a very cost-effective approach. It just takes a little amount of momentum. Every time you spend money in our country, you are voting. Your gifts, as well as your children’s chats, may have an impact on elections. 

Take the time to voice your preferences to corporations and corporate organizations if you want your packaging to be created in a way that is not harmful to you or the environment. 

These feelings must be shared by a larger proportion of the public through all means at our availability.

 Speaking directly to what we expect from our leaders by use of our purchase power is the excellent way to boost the volume of your voice and the breadth of your influence. 

Continue to inform them until we get traction. 

We’ll never be able to return to the ocean without seeing our plastic trash, which will be waiting for us.  The little plastic particles that you observe on the beach are a symbol of global pollution. 

We need methods to cope with the pollution that has entered every part of the ocean that we all share. There should be no plastic permitted to find its way into the ocean’s waters.  We need activist groups that will assist the needs of underdeveloped counties to contain their waste.  We need commitments from all other governments that they will empliment waste handling plans so waste is not near rivers or sea’s leading to the ocean.

We should invest in isolation technologies that will work to contain the plastics. 

We need to develop means to process and make use of these materials.

The US has over 40 new major plastic plants in development and pre development. It is estimated that plastic production worldwide will be increased by 4 times by 2050 if the current pace of new plastic consumption continues.

Petrochemicals account for 14 percent of oil use and are expected to drive half of oil demand growth between now and 2050 according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). Petrochemicals

When plastic bags are free 75% of people take it. When charged 10 cents only 16% take it. Why not charge for plastic bags as a start for plastic reduction?

Americans use about 100 Billion plastic shopping bags each year, which requires 12 million barrels of oil to manufacture.

Petrochemical emissions are headed in the wrong direction.

Plastic Plants are Expanding.

Expand awareness.

Just since 2010 corporations have invested more than $200 billion in 333 plastic and other petrochemical projects in the United States according to an industry supporting organization, the American Chemistry Council.

Kenya eliminated single use plastic bags from use in 2017. Why is America over 5 years behind Kenya on plastic bag use?

It is long past time for a change toward modern methods and clean energy and production technology. Let’s support cutting edge innovative solutions!

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